Reversible Stacked Pumpkins to Snowman
My sister bought this super cute reversible Fall to Christmas Porch Leaner. Now we need to make another one 🙂
My Mom bought a pattern from a wood working magazine and she cut this out of medium weight craft wood. (or lightweight plywood) The pattern calls for a cute snowman hat made out of a separate wood piece for the snowman. When it’s on, the hat covers the backside of the pumpkin stem. Store it away until Christmas time. See the link below for a video I made on Facebook which shows how to take it on and off.
I thought I had taken more pictures of my painting process but I cannot find them. I did NOT follow the painting instructions that came with the wooden pattern. I did somewhat for the snowman though. I used a different snowman face.
My Mom primed and painted both sides with an exterior white paint we have on hand. Below is a picture I took while painting the polka dots and wavy stripes. I got this idea from a Pinterest Pin. I loved the whimsical look of it.
I made a wavy stripe pattern to go by out of brown wrapping paper. It took a few times to get the wave just right. Then the bottom polka dots were easy and made with a pouncer. I painted the stems brown but I then was hesitant to paint all the lowlights and highlights. I was scared to mess up what I had so far. I was also scared to paint the curly cues. It sat by itself several days before I did more.
But I had to go for it. See below for the highlights, stems and curly cues I added.
Then it had to have a bow. What item does not need a bow? I think the Chevron ribbon and polka dots and burlap were perfect combinations to go with these patterns.
Here it is again. I did do the pumpkin side first since it was the most difficult or detailed.
Next came the snowman. I painted the hat first so I would know exactly where to put the face. I choose a really happy face. I won’t lie, the eyelashes and details were hard to draw because my hand kept shaking. I used a sharpie marker but it just wouldn’t hold the ink and kept skipping. So I had to use paint and a brush.
The scarf gave me trouble too. The ends weren’t long enough at first. I had to add several inches so that it wouldn’t look itty bitty. It needed the longer ends to balance his body out.
I outlined his body with the same blue paint as the scarf. I also outlined the stacked pumpkins in brown. I think that made them stand out a little more.
I hope you liked reading about our REVERSIBLE– Fall into Winter—Pumpkins into Snowman. Maybe you could make one for yourself. I know the tools are not cheap to buy. But maybe you could get a relative or neighbor to cut it for you.
Thank you for reading my blog!! It means a lot to me!
Crafting and Creating is Great Therapy!!
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