Gnome for the Holidays
Gnomes are cute with their button noses. Here’s a trio that we will sell individually or as a bundle. This was not my idea. I saw these on Pinterest and made our version of them. I want to do more in different colors. We are just not sure how popular gnomes are here in Acadiana. Testing the market first. LOL.
Keep reading for how we made these.
We had to make a pattern first of all. I drew out three different sizes that would fit on a cedar fence slat. I think my goal was to have the largest one be around 3 feet tall with his hat and all. I was just winging it.
Mom then took over and cut them out using her power tools.
Below is a picture of Mom sanding them after she had painted them white, front and back.
Just another picture. Sometimes I forget to take pictures of some of the steps. She works on projects so fast that some steps sneak by me.
Here is our first attempt at a beard. LOL….it was all going downward. We kinda forgot about the mustache part going outward. We fixed it.
We may sell them as a set or however our customer(s) would like.
Below are some closeup pictures.
Hope you enjoyed our GNOME story. Thanks for reading my blog.
Crafting and Creating is Great Therapy!!
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Facebook: townandcountrystyle&boutique
Facebook: townandcountrychalkcreations
Instagram: @town_and_country_boutique
Pinterest: Town&CountryStylebyKathy